There is a phenomenal growth in the Internet
traffic as per telecom reports and the growth in turn churns the economy
by increasing the E-business. The healthy reports need introspection to
catch up the bandwagon and make hay when the going is good. On an
average when we look into the surfing details in our country,
predominantly people use the internet for mails. The next in the segment
is the search for information. Searching information could be anything
between general information or news headlines, political news, quick
news, live news, current Updates, bollywood news or tollywood news.

So the demand arises for news portals. In addition to prominent news agencies putting up news portals, there are also innumerable online web portals which cater to the search of individuals across the country and of course internationally too. Because Indians staying abroad keep in touch with their nativity by surfing across these online web portals. Similarly Telugu people worldwide look for Telugu portals to get the latest information on news headlines, political news, quick news, live news, current updates, bollywood news or tollywood news. The growing usage has lead to many Telugu portals to thrive on them.
Now while analyzing the various types of news formats that the netizens are eager to know, we have to understand the type of information that needs to be posted under the various headers. The first in the segment is the news headlines. These are about the various news gatherings that have happened in a particular day. News headlines could be differentiated into National and regional.
The second in the list are the political news. This segment roughly caters to the public, who look for current political happenings in the state. The political news also highlights about the various controversies looming over the political heads regionally and nationally. Political news is linked news which has leads from the previous day's happenings and would predict, what would happen in tomorrow.
The third in the league is quick news. Well in this section the information will be snappy on the current trends that happen around. Quick news could mean anything about an event or an incident. Quick news is all about the sudden developments but in short. The elaborate section of the said news shall be present in the news headlines after gathering all necessary information.
The fourth in the league is live news. This section deals with the frequent updates on particular information. Live news mainly covers news about the accidents or sports in particular. Live news about sports would be a score card updates, especially in cricket. Live news is the domain of the youth and of course for the sports fan.
The fifth in the league is the current updates, which is similar to the live new, but the difference is basically that this need not be always emergency news. But current updates could be vital for students in knowing the current affairs by frequent updates. Current updates are of much use and most sought after when election results are in place. Election updates falls under the category of current Updates.
The sixth in the league is the Bollywood news is purely sought after by youth. Bollywood news is mainly about the Hindi cinema celebrities. Bollywood news covers all segments of entertainment in the Hindi film industry. Bollywood news could be about celebrity updates, events, releases, promos or anything that is about the film fraternity of northern India.
The last but the most sought out in the league is Tollywood news. This section is all about entertainment in the Telugu film industry. Tollywood news could be about celebrity updates, events, releases, promos or anything that is about the Telugu film fraternity. This is the domain viewed mostly by youth and Indians residing abroad.
Ultimately a web portal with all these inputs along with frequent updation would prove successful on the long run. But this segment is catered by many web portals and every day a new web portal springs up. In spite of so many Telugu portals, there is still huge demand in this segment. The reason for the demand is the user cross checks various web portals to know about the particular celebrity, whom they adore.
Keep visiting and enjoying yourself.
Online Web Portal
So the demand arises for news portals. In addition to prominent news agencies putting up news portals, there are also innumerable online web portals which cater to the search of individuals across the country and of course internationally too. Because Indians staying abroad keep in touch with their nativity by surfing across these online web portals. Similarly Telugu people worldwide look for Telugu portals to get the latest information on news headlines, political news, quick news, live news, current updates, bollywood news or tollywood news. The growing usage has lead to many Telugu portals to thrive on them.
Now while analyzing the various types of news formats that the netizens are eager to know, we have to understand the type of information that needs to be posted under the various headers. The first in the segment is the news headlines. These are about the various news gatherings that have happened in a particular day. News headlines could be differentiated into National and regional.
The second in the list are the political news. This segment roughly caters to the public, who look for current political happenings in the state. The political news also highlights about the various controversies looming over the political heads regionally and nationally. Political news is linked news which has leads from the previous day's happenings and would predict, what would happen in tomorrow.
The third in the league is quick news. Well in this section the information will be snappy on the current trends that happen around. Quick news could mean anything about an event or an incident. Quick news is all about the sudden developments but in short. The elaborate section of the said news shall be present in the news headlines after gathering all necessary information.
The fourth in the league is live news. This section deals with the frequent updates on particular information. Live news mainly covers news about the accidents or sports in particular. Live news about sports would be a score card updates, especially in cricket. Live news is the domain of the youth and of course for the sports fan.
The fifth in the league is the current updates, which is similar to the live new, but the difference is basically that this need not be always emergency news. But current updates could be vital for students in knowing the current affairs by frequent updates. Current updates are of much use and most sought after when election results are in place. Election updates falls under the category of current Updates.
The sixth in the league is the Bollywood news is purely sought after by youth. Bollywood news is mainly about the Hindi cinema celebrities. Bollywood news covers all segments of entertainment in the Hindi film industry. Bollywood news could be about celebrity updates, events, releases, promos or anything that is about the film fraternity of northern India.
The last but the most sought out in the league is Tollywood news. This section is all about entertainment in the Telugu film industry. Tollywood news could be about celebrity updates, events, releases, promos or anything that is about the Telugu film fraternity. This is the domain viewed mostly by youth and Indians residing abroad.
Ultimately a web portal with all these inputs along with frequent updation would prove successful on the long run. But this segment is catered by many web portals and every day a new web portal springs up. In spite of so many Telugu portals, there is still huge demand in this segment. The reason for the demand is the user cross checks various web portals to know about the particular celebrity, whom they adore.
Keep visiting and enjoying yourself.