Saturday 29 December 2012

Special Syllabus In Schools

Should we have special syllabus in schools? 

Should we have special syllabus in schools?

Delhi rape incident has shook the entire nation. People are hitting roads across the country demanding justice to the victim by hanging the guilty at the earliest. Yes, the victim will get justice with that (lets presume) but will it ensure that no such incidents take place in near or later future? May be yes, to some extent. While supporting stringent laws and more than capital punishment to the rapists, let us also demand something else wherein girls/women should not be in a position to seek justice. Such justice should be given well in advance not to victims but every woman for that matter. How will that be possible?


Andhra Wishesh tried speaking to many eminent educationists, feminists and social activists over women safety. All of them had one point in common-instil better morals among the people when they are in schools itself. Interestingly, we found that their point had so much of merit. Why not come out with a special subject - Women Studies at the school itself, they questioned.


These are some important topics that can be included in Woman Studies at school level:
  • Importance of women in all mythologies
  • The pain and risks mothers undergo during their pregnancy
  • The way mother converts her blood into milk to feeds the baby for months together
  • Heinous crimes that took place across the globe
  • Punishments that every country implements over various offences against women
  • Educating that dowry is a crime and could not be treated as a social norm/tradition
  • Women are not tools of pleasure
Only when this subject is included in schools, all school going children will get complete knowledge as to how woman/girl should not be treated. Parents should not just focus on their children becoming business magnates, doctors or engineers but aim at designing their children into perfect people. Never skip an hour 'moral science' class/lecture to your son only to devout the same time towards some math or science.  Andhra Wishesh strongly advocates this ideology. Are you with us?
(AW Phani)


Friday 21 December 2012

Clever Ploy By High Command

Two member team, clever ploy by high command: Politicking Wishesh 

Two member team, clever ploy by high command: Politicking Wishesh

Hope you are enjoying your special exclusive from Wishesh. We try to bring out how the public like you & me feel about the present happenings. This is just to bring out the lighter side of the issue and no harm is intended to anyone. This section includes gossips from the grapevine for reader enrichment. Do send in your comments or criticism for us to give you the best.............................................(Wishesh AarKay)  


Two member team,clever ploy by high command:  As per the directive of the high command, each party must send two delegates to debate over the issue of Telangana formation at the all-party-meet on December 28.

While many wanted the Party leaders (chiefs) to be called in, the central party never named the members who need to attend the meet. Many leaders from the T region, other than the Congress expressed that this meet was only a gimmick of the high command to garner votes for FDI in Retail.

However critics feel that this meet might not be the end of the road, due to this two delegate format. TRS will be the only party that shall send two members who are to insist the T formation. Most other parties would send leaders from the either region who express the people's opinion of that particular region and then it is sure to be divided. This only will put the issue on the cross roads as usual. A good plan to show the public about the discrepancies of the oppositions and neat way to wash the hands off the issue too.

On the other hand, if only the party presidents were called than things would have been different and would have put them in embarrassing moment. By this innovate formula Congress saves itself from embarrassment and even helps the party leaders from saving their skins. A convenient way to pose a uniform win-win situation. The meet benefits everybody uniformly while sidelining the  actual issue.

Be positive: Jana: Any media person approaching the Panchayatiraj Minister Jana Reddy and questioning him about the outcome of the December 28, all-party-meet, is sure to be surprised over the optimism expressed by the senior Congress man from Telangana.

The leader is totally reluctant to even think about a possible negative outcome at the meet. He feels the meet is sure to find a solution to the impending problem. OMG! This man is a tough minded optimist.....


Kakatiya rule reminds of unified Telugus: Vijayawada Congress MP Lagadapati Rajagopal, is one man in the political circle, who leaves no stones unturned to hog limelight, even at the expense of  others. His controversies and statements that have raised the mercury levels at times will always remain fresh in the public memory, as one supersedes the other before the last one fades out.

Reacting to his absence at the Kakatiya celebrations in Warangal,  the MP recalled that Kakatiya's rule was the golden period of the state when all Telugu people flourished unitedly. He added that if he was to go there, then he is bound to speak out his mind over the issue and that would irk a few who cannot swallow the bitter truths.

Imagine there were some incidents of stone pelting at the CMs convoy yesterday when he went to participate in the celebrations. What would have happened if this Vijayawada MP was also present on the scene?


End Of The World 2012

End Of The World 2012 parties soar 

End Of The World 2012 parties soar

With the advent of social networking, the globe has shrunk further and may be further into a small village. By this we mean that everything becomes accessible to everyone from any point on the globe to any point too.  The recent unwanted hype over the End Of The World 2012 or the Doomsday on 21-12-12 seems to have caught up the flare and is raging among the youth and students. Most students preferred to stay at home and youth are partying.

Well what is the benefit of such unnecessary hypes is that traders do profit from surge in demand  most times. Liquor sale is one thing that has caught up soaring since yesterday. Gulping down more pegs to keep off from fear of the day. May be tomorrow is sure to be another day of rejoice for having survived the horrible day.

Most bars and party corners have been booked by event managers who have equally encashed this opportunity. Many parties are held across the metros to make room for these sulking people who would like to rejoice as though this is the last day on earth. Analysts feel that this is one trend that is found across the globe on the New Year eve.

Now pessimists express that with so much partying, will it be a dampened New Year bash this year. The trade analysts feel that this is just another day to rejoice and will have no impact on the year ending celebrations. On the whole this year the December figures are to touch the skies with two celebrations globally for the liquor segment. (Wishesh AarKay)


Thursday 20 December 2012

Delhi Gang Rape

Delhi gang rape: Enough is enough

 Delhi gang rape: Enough is enough

The horrific gangrape of the 23 year old medical student in Delhi outraged the nation so badly that no other news is seem to be important in the country right now. People from all the four corners of the country expressed their agony and the social networking sites are filled with demands for capital punishments for the savage goons who committed this heinous crime. The latest development over this horrific incident is that the unfortunate victim continues to fight for her life. Doctors treating her say that some of her vital organs ( notably intestine) have been permanently damaged and  has been on ventilator support so far. She has undergone five life saving surgeries as well.

Meanwhile, public demand for accountability and tougher laws including death penalty to those savages took an ugly turn when police had to use water cannons to disperse the crowd mainly comprising the students of Jawaharlal Nehru University protesting outside Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit's house against the terrible incident. The protestors continued to agitate with a slogan "We want equal rights for women” and said any action by the police will not deter them from protesting. One of the protesters called it 'irresponsible' on the part of the police and the Delhi government to have used water cannons. Many protesters also broke barricades and tried to enter Sheila Dikshit's house.

So far three of the accused were produced in a Delhi court on Wednesday and confessed. One of the accused, Vinay Sharma, went on to plead for a death sentence. Vinay Sharma, one of the main culprits is an assistant gym instructor and Pawan Gupta, a fruit seller. They have been sent for custodial interrogation while Mukesh, another goon who was allegedly driving the bus when the crime was being committed, has been sent to Tihar Jail in judicial custody after he agreed to undergo test identification parade (TIP). Mukesh is the brother of another accused Ram Singh, who was on Tuesday remanded to five-day police custody after he refused to undergo TIP.

Vinay and Pawan, however, have refused to undergo TIP, the criminal procedure in which the alleged offender is brought before witnesses and victims for identification. After being produced before Metropolitan Magistrate (MM) Namrita Aggarwal, the trio were sent to court of Metropolitan Magistrate Sandeep Garg for following the procedure for conducting the TIP.

When the judge asked whether they would volunteer to undergo TIP and if not why, Vinay said, "he had beaten up the boy but did nothing with the girl" and went on to say "mujhe faansi de do (hang me)", while Pawan told the court, "I do not want to undergo TIP as I have committed a horrible act". The magistrate after completing the process for the TIP said,"Accused Mukesh has submitted that he wanted to undergo TIP. Police be directed to conduct his TIP on December 20 at 3 pm Central Jail, Tihar."

Almost all the known public figures including Bollywood celebrities to political leaders expressed their sadness over the sorry state of affair in the country that aspires to become a superpower but can't even provide the minimum sense of security to it's own citizens in the national capital. BJP leader Sushma Swaraj is demanding that all the culprits to be hanged within a month and UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi has asked Delhi CM Sheila Dixit and union home minister Sushil Kumar Shinde to take the all the necessary actions against those savages.

It seems the fire of protests that is burning the national capital right now is not going to stop soon as there are massive anti rape movement started across all over India. Everybody is saying only one thing more tolerance towards sexual violence against woman...Enough is enough..!

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Pawan Is The Next Mega Star In Tollywood

Pawan is the next "Mega' star in Tollywood! 

Pawan is the next "Mega' star in Tollywood!

Power Star is the next 'Mega' star in Tollywood, expressed none other than our Mega Power Star Ram Charan. The duo were attending the audio release of Nayak made by filmmaker V V Vinayak. Speaking on the occasion Charan silenced the critics by showing that there were no differences in the Mega clan.

He requested fans mot to be carried away, by such rumours and went on to inform that the both could not attend each others events, as they were busy with their own works. But they are presently together to put a full stop to such controversies.


However, the young actor also took potshots at the grapevine that spread such rumours of a possible split. He said he would not spare those who are spreading such false rumours.  Charan added, his equations towards his uncle were similar to the rapport shared by his father Megastar Chiranjeevi and Pawan uncle.

The glitterati saw the coming together of three members of the Mega clan, along with the uncle and nephew, Allu Arjun was also present. (Wishesh AarKay)



Ullasanga Utsahanga Hero Killed In Road Accident

Ullasanga Utsahanga hero killed in road accident

Tollywood actor, Yasho Sagar, who appeared in male lead in Ullasanga Utsahamga died in a fatal road accident this morning in Tumkur district of Karnataka. The sources said that he was returning to Tumkur from Bangalore when the accident occurred. Vishwanath along with Yasho Sagar and one Lokesh were in the vehicle. While Vishwanath drove the car, Yasho sat in the front seat and Lokesh in the rear. Vishwanath and Yasho Sagar died on the spot. Lokesh, however, managed to escape with major injuries. He was being treated at a hospital. The police said that driver might have slipped into sleep and dashed the bridge due to which the mishap took place.

Yasho Sagar, who hailed from Karnataka, was the son of noted producer of Kannada industry, Somu. Ullasanga Utsahanga was his first movie. After Ullasanga, he appeared in Mister Premikudu, which bombed at the box office. There were no recent releases of Yasho. Andhra Wishesh pays tributes to the young hero. May his soul rest in peace.
(AW Phani)

Delhi Gangrape Case

Delhi Gangrape: Government assures tough action 

Delhi Gangrape: Government assures tough action

 The whole nation is outraged over the mind numbing Delhi gang rape case. People from all walks of life is now facing the harsh reality that a nation that aspires to become a superpower can't even provide the minimum sense of security to it's own citizens particularly women from the barbaric goons who have no regard for human life at all.

The latest development over this horrific incident is that the unfortunate victim continues to fight for her life. Doctors treating her say that some of her vital organs have been permanently damaged and  has been on ventilator support so far. The public demand for accountability and tougher laws including death penalty to those savages is now forcing the government to take some severe actions. Well, better late than never...!

In this regard ,Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde has called a meeting of all top Delhi Police officials, while Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit has called meeting of all women groups in Delhi at 6 pm on Wednesday. "I want a consensus among all political parties on whether the Delhi Police and law and order should be under the Delhi government," the Delhi Chief Minister told reporters.

Meanwhile, UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi sent letters to Shinde and Dikshit seeking immediate action. She also visited the victim at Safdarjung Hospital late on Tuesday night and inquired about the victim's health. 

As of now four people, including the prime accused bus driver Ram Singh has been sent to five day Police custody. Investigating authorities have confirmed that the culprits will be charged for attempt to murder. The Police has also intensified search operations to catch other two accused who are still away from the grip of law.

Meanwhile, the protests against this barbaric act is going on across the country. Several public figures including activists and former Police officers have suggested for creating a volunteer force to prevent the rape menace. "Increase police presence overnight, which means from tomorrow re-allocate over 600 PCR vans at vulnerable points at night and those PCR vans must be supported by citizen bodies and civil defence and a woman policeman. We created this kind of a citizen volunteer force, why have those good practices gone," former IPS officer and activist Kiran Bedi said.   


Thursday 13 December 2012

Geminid Meteor Shower

AW Tips for watching the Geminid Meteor Shower 

AW Tips for watching the Geminid Meteor Shower 

The news that the stars are going to drop from the sky has reached the far corners of the world already, thanks to the technology. The date has arrived and you are less than 24 hrs away from witnessing a majestic celestial occurrence in the sky, with your naked eyes; the Universe’s own fireworks. They in fact are not stars but the debris from a comet, generally. But this time, the Geminids that would grace the sky without the moon tonight, have their origins from a mystery rock, Phaethon 3200.

The question finally comes down to how equipped are you to watch the meteor shower? What is the best way to make the most of this occurrence? We are here to enlighten you on the same.

Equipment: Unless you want to take pictures there is no need of advanced gadgets of any kind. A bunk bed, some hot coffee, an insect repellant and a reclining lawn chair would be the most luxurious set up you need. For the camera part, you would need an able camera, a DSLR preferably mounted on a tripod, which is set to manual focus at infinity, a smaller aperture f/9 or lower, (bump up the ISO if required), a shutter speed set to bulb or 30 seconds. Pictures would be just magnificent to say the least.

Where: It is best if you can go to the outskirts of the city away from all the pollution for the best experience. But, since the meteors are plenty, as many as 40-50 per hour, you can have a fairly good view even if you are on your roof top. Just make sure there is no direct light on to your eyes. Watch around the Gemini star, Castor which is the radiant point. Google Sky users can wield their smart phones to know the exact location. If you don’t have one, just stare up in the open skies, there are plenty of them all over the sky.

When: Starting at 0:00 hrs tomorrow would be a good time. Though you will have fewer meteors in the first hour, it would allow your eyes to adjust to the dark of the sky so you can see them at their brightest.  They would peak before 5 am in the night. Without the moon disturbing the dark, on a new moon phase, you are all set to get the best of the shower.
With: It is always good to have a friend spot the opposite direction for you and help you cover half the sky. This could also be a family event, adding great fun.

Patience: This is a celestial occurrence and not something you can observe without being patient. Spend at least one hour lying in the sky and wait for the stars to hit you.

Bonus: You can also catch a glimpse of Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn in the sky while watching the meteors.

Thank me and gather your groups to witness this marvel in the sky.


Tuesday 11 December 2012

Five Things You Didn't Know About Animals

Five things you didn't know about animals

Animals are amazing creatures but some features they possess are so amazing that you can't stop opening your mouth wide open in surprise and awe. Here are a few such animals and the unique facts

1. Wolf: The first picture you get in your head when you talk of the wolf is the howl but have you ever noticed that the howls of wolves never echo; despite their life in the mountains. This is an amazing strategy they developed over the years as a hunting call and communication method. They found the blind spot of acoustics.


2. Orangutans: Orangutan, the human's distant cousin, is extremely playful swinging from branch to branch but not without damage. Every Orangutans has almost half the bones broken at all times in the body on an average. Unless you want to prove that you really are a cousin, don't monkey around.


3.Clams: These molluscs, the shelled invertebrates, are all male when born. (Women, where is your God now? Just Kidding) But this is not a strategy that is pro-evolution and hence clam's have their own share of suffering from the females after a few males decide to turn females, physiologically too. But once a clam turns female, it cannot be undone.


4. Woodpeckers: These fierce and tough looking birds which peck the big barks of the trees are not so tough after all. They have a very soft head that acts as a shock absorber. It is the neck muscles that are tremendously developed, and ripped too probably, which help them in pecking the wood apart from the strong beak. 


5.Elephant: The massive elephant is amazing in several ways, predominantly in size matters. This fact is also about size, like most other related to the elephants. The elephant poop about 220 pounds every day. That's more than the weight of an average built adult human himself and equal to the weight of one baby elephant, which typically weighs from 170-250 pounds.


(AW- Anil)
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