are amazing creatures but some features they possess are so amazing
that you can't stop opening your mouth wide open in surprise and awe.
Here are a few such animals and the unique facts
1. Wolf:
The first picture you get in your head when you talk of the wolf is the
howl but have you ever noticed that the howls of wolves never echo;
despite their life in the mountains. This is an amazing strategy they
developed over the years as a hunting call and communication method.
They found the blind spot of acoustics.
2. Orangutans:
Orangutan, the human's distant cousin, is extremely playful swinging
from branch to branch but not without damage. Every Orangutans has
almost half the bones broken at all times in the body on an average.
Unless you want to prove that you really are a cousin, don't monkey
These molluscs, the shelled invertebrates, are all male when born.
(Women, where is your God now? Just Kidding) But this is not a strategy
that is pro-evolution and hence clam's have their own share of suffering
from the females after a few males decide to turn females,
physiologically too. But once a clam turns female, it cannot be undone.
4. Woodpeckers:
These fierce and tough looking birds which peck the big barks of the
trees are not so tough after all. They have a very soft head that acts
as a shock absorber. It is the neck muscles that are tremendously
developed, and ripped too probably, which help them in pecking the wood
apart from the strong beak.
The massive elephant is amazing in several ways, predominantly in size
matters. This fact is also about size, like most other related to the
elephants. The elephant poop about 220 pounds every day. That's more
than the weight of an average built adult human himself and equal to the
weight of one baby elephant, which typically weighs from 170-250
(AW- Anil)
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